I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that this was a big project that took us many months. Granted, we had life to live in between renovation days. My husand spent most evenings and weekends breaking a sweat on this trailer. He is meticulous and will not rest until the job is done well.

Look at those nice clean floors! No ugly carpet. And the beautiful cabinets!!! Eeek!

We used a peel and sticky vinyl flooring to keep things lightweight and durable.

We tore out the island and the *cough* tiny plastic sink that was miserable to wash dishes in. Remember, we lived in this for 5 months so when we renovated it, I knew exactly what things needed to be improved on. I also felt that the oval island needed a major upgrade.

Painting all the cabinetry took FOREVER. My poor husband. This guy worked so hard. We had to remove all the doors and he spray painted everything at least three times. His patience amazes me!

Mess. Mess. And more mess.

GRAY!!! I'm so happy with how the gray cabinetry turned out in the kitchen. I wanted to do the navy color in the kitchen as well but was worried it would be too dark and would not look as good with the appliances. The gray turned out to be a good color choice!